Customizing Your Ribbon Branding

Ribbon offers you the ability to personalize your branding, including color themes and thank you notes, ensuring every interaction aligns with your organization's identity.

Step 1: Access Your Account Settings

Start by clicking on the person icon located at the top right corner of your screen. This icon usually represents your user account and provides access to your settings. You can also access the Account Settings by clicking on Customize your account


Step 3: Access the Brand Tab 

Within the account settings dashboard, you'll find a tab labeled "Brand." Click on the "Brand" tab to access the Brand Dashboard, where you can customize your branding elements.

Step 4: Customize Your Branding 

On the Brand Dashboard, you will have the ability to personalize various aspects of your branding, including:

  • Color Theme: You can adjust the color scheme to match your organization's brand colors. Select colors that resonate with your brand identity.
  • Logos: Upload your organization's logos, ensuring that they are prominently displayed in all donor interactions, adding to the visual consistency of your brand.
  • Thank You Message: Craft a heartfelt and personalized thank you message that will be automatically included in your communications with donors. This message reinforces your appreciation and dedication to your cause.

You can edit these three sections on the left side. The right shows you what the donation gift receipt will look like.